Flow is an intrinsic quality of wellbeing. The fluids in our body need circulation, otherwise we have poor health. Our economy needs money to circulate, otherwise we have a bad economy. There needs to be a flow of giving and receiving in a relationship, otherwise it's an unhealthy relationship.
Flow is our natural state. Think back to childhood. As kids we allow our emotions to flow. We fall down and cry, then 10 seconds later we get up laughing. There is a healthy natural expression of our emotional energy. We are curious about everything. As babies we pick up anything and put it in our mouth to explore it. We don't have predisposed ideas about anything. We are very open. This emotional and mental openness gives us a sense of freedom. We also have a lot of energy because all types of energy (mental, emotional and physical) are flowing freely.
If this is our natural state, then what blocks flow? We get programmed by our upbringing, by society and by life experiences. We are told "Boys shouldn't cry." "Girls shouldn't get angry." So we begin to repress our emotions. Suddenly there is a good way or a bad way to be, so we start to have rigid thoughts about life. Our energy body begins to accumulate stagnant beliefs, emotions and perhaps physical issues as well. As the years pass, we get used to this stagnant state and attribute it just to getting older. We falsely believe that pure joy, inner freedom and lightness of being was due to the lack of responsibility kids have.
The good news is that there are many methods to restore our energetic flow: yoga, massage, acupuncture, and tai chi, to name a few. Reiki also restores flow. As a Reiki practitioner, I channel universal energy to the recipient through my hands. The energy will go wherever it's needed, much like water flowing through a dry creek bed. Whatever is ready to clear, will.
Everything is energy, so the healing can be on the physical, mental or emotional level. People are sometimes surprised when they come in for a physical reason, such as pain, but they experience a powerful mental or emotional benefit, such as peace of mind or joy. Clients have even expressed, "I forgot I could feel this good!"
Restoring energetic flow brings us back into balance, in harmony inwardly and outwardly. We are part of nature and can learn a lot from understanding its cycles and rhythms. "Go with the flow" is a wonderful concept that helps us to tap into the ease and peace of nature within ourselves.