Experience Calm and Stability Through Grounding


Grounding is incredibly helpful during this time of global instability. What is grounding? My simple definition is: keeping your mind and awareness in your body. It’s being in the present moment.

All of our fears and anxieties are not rooted in the here and now; they are  future oriented. Our body is like the root system of a tree. It keeps us connected to and supported by the Earth, grounded in this moment. Our body can only be in the Now, while our mind travels out in all directions, draining us of our life force.

As we stay centered in our body, we feel calm and stable.  Practicing even 5 or 10 minutes of grounding can be highly beneficial. It’s a great way to start your day and minimizes our reactivity to outside forces like the news and social media.

Here’s some suggested practices to help you ground:

1. Take care of your body. Get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy food and hydrate. This is the first crucial step. If you are sleep deprived or going through sugar highs and lows, you will feel unstable and be more susceptible to worry and fear.

2. Spend time in nature. Nature is incredibly calming and grounding. Your body and mind slow down and align to the rhythm of Mother Earth.

3. Mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is perhaps easier than other types of meditation because it doesn’t have a complicated technique. You can simply scan your body and notice what you’re sensing and feeling. This brings your energy back to your body and helps center you. Headspace is a good free app that can guide you through this.

4. Mind/body practices such as yoga or meditative martial arts keep your awareness in your body and naturally ground you. There are a lot of great free videos on Youtube.

Let Go of Old Patterns by Uncovering the Gift of the Experience


The end of the year is a natural time for reflection.  Although time is an arbitrary invention we use to organize ourselves, it can serve as a helpful tool for evaluating our life direction.   

What would you like to leave behind in 2018, as we move into a fresh new year? 

Important note: what you resist, persists.  So I’m not asking what you want to avoid or run away from.  That never works.  Everything is energy.  Your fear or strong dislike of something actually binds you to it energetically.  You can run away from the person or situation, but you will simply attract the same energy in a different person or situation until you transform that dynamic within yourself.

So the real question is, what inner change are you willing to make in order to let go of that worn out pattern and make space for something new?  Fed up with people not honoring you?  Become more clear with expressing your boundaries.  Had it with a mundane, monotonous daily existence? Begin listening to your heart and discovering your passions.  Sick and tired of superficial relationships?  Choose to become more open and authentic. 

When you embrace the gift of the unwanted pattern or experience, you release your resistance (aka attachment) to it.  The gift is whatever it is meant to teach you.  For example, if you don’t feel respected by your boss, the gift is learning to respect yourself.  If you start respecting yourself, you will either speak up or obtain different work that is in alignment with your newfound self respect.  However, if you leave your job just to avoid the situation, without making the inner shift of self respect, you will find yourself in the same scenario at a new workplace. 

Whatever you’re ready to let go of, be sure to uncover the gift, the lesson, of the situation first.  When you can truly appreciate the experience for what it taught you, you become free of it inwardly and the transformation then happens outwardly. 

Just remember, you can’t cheat energy.  If you’re telling yourself you appreciate the lesson but you don’t honestly feel that way, the energy won’t shift and you will remain stuck. 

Every day is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, yet it’s easy to tell ourselves, “I’ll get to it tomorrow.”  It’s easy to take time for granted, assuming there will be another day.  There’s no guarantee. 

When I first moved back to Hawaii, it felt like every day was a vacation.  I could walk to the beach any day and enjoy wading in the refreshing cool turquoise water.  Every day was sunny with temperatures in the 80s.  It didn’t take long for me to start telling myself, “I’ll go tomorrow.”  Then, “I’ll go next week.”  One day I realized a whole year had gone by without even one visit to the beach.

We take time for granted like this.  We get caught up in the small details of everyday living and miss out on the bigger picture.  365 days is ample time to see what direction we’re heading and to evaluate if it’s where we want to go. 

Do you feel more joy, peace, growth or awareness today versus January 1st this year?  Yes?  Congratulations - honor the transformation you created this year.  No?  It’s ok.  Perhaps you needed to fully experience what you didn’t want in order to finally be ready to make a change.  You can use your frustration or discomfort in any situation as motivation to change. 

Take a honest look at this year before letting it go.  Your life is a reflection of your energy and of the choices you make in each moment.  Becoming aware of how you’ve invested your time and energy in 2018 empowers you to keep going that way or to change direction and explore fresh possibilities in the upcoming year.  There’s still time left this year to shift within and create an opening for new, wonderful experiences in 2019.

Embrace Imperfection: Mistakes Are Essential For Your Growth

To all you perfectionists out there, I have bad news: It’s impossible to be perfect throughout this human experience.  You are going to mess up sometimes. 

There will be little mistakes and also big ones.  Guaranteed.  Add one more to the list of life’s certainties:  death, taxes AND mistakes!  Since it’s inevitable, why not accept it?  Take it one step further and even embrace it!

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Empowerment Through Being Vulnerable

People waste a lot of energy to avoid becoming vulnerable.  Our ego tricks us into equating emotional openness with defenselessness, which terrifies us.  So we learn to create an impenetrable wall around our heart and get accustomed to a harsh existence in the fortress of a cold, safe mind.

The problem is, our minds aren’t all that safe, are they?

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Karma is Not Punishment

You will carry karma until you receive the gift of awareness it offers you.  This clears the karma.  Most people get the “gift” after many repeated and often uncomfortable experiences of the karma being played out in their interactions with others.  The good news is that there’s another way!

Clearing karma is one of the benefits of a past life regression.  People sometimes ask what’s the point of going back over a life that’s already over.  Realistically, you can’t possibly learn everything about the human experience in one lifetime.  So we come back to learn more and also to try to fix and complete what was unfinished in previous lives.  Past life regression is one way to have guidance through the process because we tend to have blindspots that we won’t see on our own.

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Resistance is Futile: Learn to Go With the Flow

We’re taught that happiness comes from having the power to control our lives.  While it’s true to an extent, this approach has its limits.  The desire to control everything, originating from a fearful attempt to create outer security, is unhealthy and unsustainable.  Not everything in life is within your control.  The inability to accept this truth inevitably leads to daily frustration.  You end up constantly trying to fortify your sand castle against an ever-changing tide.

In this physical world, change is constant and unavoidable.  There are cycles to everything in nature.  As much as we try to divorce ourselves from the natural world, we are still physical beings to whom the laws of nature apply. 

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How to Live Life On Your Own Terms

Can you ever truly be happy if you don’t know who you are and what you want?  After spending countless hours on work, responsibilities at home and basic survival needs, how much time do you allot towards self discovery? How would you feel if at the end of your life you look back and realize that 90% of your time was wasted on things that don’t even matter to you now?

The first step to living life on your own terms is to identify what your core values are and to prioritize them.

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Reiki Is My Super Power

My Reiki student says she tells her kids, “Reiki is my super power!”  They are young, active boys but once she gives them Reiki at night they quickly fall into deep, peaceful sleep.  It got me thinking that Reiki is indeed a super power.  It can transform your health, emotions and outlook on life in miraculous ways. 

Good news - Reiki can be your super power too.  You don’t need to be from planet Krypton or be an Amazon or get bitten by a radioactive spider.  Reiki is available to everyone.

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How to Be Happy: Trust the Heart as Your Compass

We humans are funny creatures. We often run from the things we most desire and chase the things that don’t truly fulfill us. If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that we all want to be truly seen, understood and loved for who we are inside. When we are appreciated for outer things like achievements or looks, it gives us fleeting fulfillment as well as pressure to continue to produce more in order to receive further recognition. It’s a tiring and endless cycle.

When we feel comfortable to open up to someone and they easily understand and enjoy the essence of who we are, we feel joy. What a relief it is to be appreciated by simply being ourselves and not having to “do” anything. This type of genuine connection may seem like pure luck. In fact, the key to experiencing it more is to open our hearts.

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Emotions Are Keys for Healing Yourself

Emotions are the unsung heroes of the psyche. Perhaps you've been thinking, "If only those pesky emotions would leave me alone, then I could have peace of mind. I could easily become the master of my Self. It would be so much easier to focus my mind and be in control. "  

Sure, emotions are at times inconvenient and unpredictable, but they also are what make us gloriously human.  Take away all our emotions and we are basically limited edition, inefficient flesh and blood robots.  Not only do emotions color and contextualize our experiences, but they also can serve as powerful instruments for self-healing.

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Are You Trading Happiness for (Imaginary) Security?

Many people have been shaken this year by the seemingly relentless barrage of disasters and tragedies.  The constant reminder that misfortune can happen anywhere and anytime pushes some people to try even harder to control their surroundings to create a sense of security.

The reality is that no matter how hard we try to secure our situation, it can all be gone in an instant.  The company where you’ve worked for 20 years can suddenly go bankrupt.  The house where you planned to live your whole life can be demolished by a natural disaster.  The person you love and trust the most can die suddenly.  

I’m not trying to depress you!  Quite the opposite.

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Integration, Not Separation, Is the Path to Transformation

Our societal preoccupation with competition and being a winner creates intense self judgment and separation.   We learn to label some parts of ourself as "good" and others as "bad."  We are taught to "Be strong. Highlight strengths.  Eliminate weakness."  This approach may be effective for becoming a better competitor, but at what cost to our wellbeing?  

Shame, judgment, self loathing, fear of failure, unhappiness, disconnection, inability to nurture ourself.  These are the effects of this win/lose approach to life.

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Reiki is a Winning Lottery Ticket

I love to travel the world.  It's amazing how regardless of what country I'm in, when I meet a stranger and say I do Reiki, invariably they say "I'm a Reiki Master too."  This isn't  happening in wellness centers or health food stores, but on airplanes, trains or busses.  Obviously everything is energy and similar frequencies are drawn to each other through resonance.  Still, it always surprises me, because in my world of frequency it seems like everyone does Reiki!

Even more surprising to me is the percentage of these Reiki Masters who don't use Reiki at all - not even on themselves!  In my mind this is like having a winning lottery ticket and just framing it and hanging it on the wall.  Why wouldn't you cash it in?

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Is Past Life Regression Real?

When people  ask if past life regression is real, I generally respond with "How do you define real?"  Afterall, there are many intelligent people who now posit that we may be living in a virtual reality.  You may have powerful experiences when you are dreaming, but then you wake up and say, "Oh, that was just a dream.  It wasn't real."  But who's to say that when your body dies, you don't awaken into an expanded consciousness state and say the same thing?

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