How can we thrive and survive these intense times of the Shift on planet Earth? Whether you’re newly awakening in your spiritual awareness or have been traversing this path for some time, you might enjoy this conversation with my Beyond the Illusion podcast co-host Tim Howe and Kerri Hummingbird, the host of the Soul Nectar podcast. We discuss how we can help ourselves and the next generation to integrate our spiritual gifts while remaining grounded on the Earth plane with “a foot in both worlds” as they say.
Read moreSpiritual Awakening.....Now What? ☮️
When I went through my initial spiritual awakening, I thought, “I have arrived! It’s all sunshine ☀️ and roses 🌹 from this point on.” Weeks passed and yet I wasn’t magically transported away from the stress of my corporate job. If anything, I became more disillusioned from it and confused. I felt like, “Why do I have to waste my time doing this nonsense now that I’ve experienced a transcendent blissful reality?” Silly me, I didn’t yet realize that spiritual awakening is not the end goal; it’s a starting point. Yes - a new world opens up to you. Suddenly you have higher awareness activating and you’re able to perceive your life in entirely different way. It’s a bit like puberty. Others may have tried to describe it to you before but you just didn’t get it. And then Boom! When it happens to you, your life is transformed. It’s overwhelming. You go through an awkward stage where you’re just trying to adjust to all these extra feelings and perceptions. You might try talking to your friends and family and they just look at you like, “What are you on?” Your senses are overloaded and you can bounce from the highest peaks to the lowest depths, moment by moment! It’s both exhilarating and exhausting. And yet you still have to pay the bills.
Read moreIs Life Between Lives Regression 🌀 Like a Near Death Experience?
What happens when we die? This is the eternal burning question that has pushed people to extreme measures like going on vision quests, taking psychedelics, seeking out psychics and shamans, reading countless books, learning meditation AND/or experiencing a Life Between Lives Regression. In this excerpt, part one from an interview with Kim and Theresa York on the Holistically Curious 💟 podcast, we discuss how Life Between Lives Regression, much like a Near Death Experience, can answer this compelling question, giving us the experience of death and of the Spirit realm beyond.
Read moreRaising Your Vibration ☀️ in This Transformational Time on Earth
Back when I was in Peru 🦙, I had this uplifting conversation with Gary Cocciolillo on “Everything Imaginable, a Podcast for Curious Minds”. We talked at length about the value of developing the connection with your higher self, past lives, quantum experiences and the transformational 🦋opportunities available in this powerful spiritual time on Earth.
A funny thing happened during our Zoom call. Right after I said that there’s not one set of rules for the spiritual journey, the thumbs up emoji 👍🏻mysteriously showed on Gary’s video, even though he swears he didn’t do it. Spirit has a great sense of humor! 🙃
What’s the best way to connect with your higher self?
How can working with energy strengthen the connection to your higher self?
What are some ways to differentiate between messages from your higher self and messages from your mind?
Why is it important to wield your intention carefully like a sword? 🗡
How did I first connect with my Spirit Guides?
The need for raising your vibration in order to receive clear messages from Spirit. 💜
There are many helpful tools for shifting into higher consciousness: breathwork, Solfeggio frequencies, Binaural beats, chakra meditation
“Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav
What is the path of initiation?
What does it mean to be on Earth 🌎 at this time of massive transformation?
How does our individual healing and transformation affect the Collective?
What’s the value of incarnating into this challenging Earth experience as compared to lifetimes on other Star ✨systems?
There’s more value in always asking, “What can I learn from this?” instead of “Is this real?”
Why don’t we all remember our past lives? Are we supposed to?
What’s possible when our higher senses awaken?
The power of visiting sacred sites.🌟
Soul plan vs. Free Will, Reclaiming Your Power & the Dark Awakening
Do you trust your soul? In this conversation with Amy Sikarskie on The Soul & Spirit Healing podcast, we discuss the soul’s journey across lifetimes to reclaim our power while in our human form. I share an impactful past life regression I experienced, guided by Scott de Tamble, my co-trainer in our upcoming Past Life Regression Certification training. In that session, my Spirit Guides provided insights and wisdom meant not just for me, but for the Collective in this transformational time on Earth.
Highlights :
Nightmares, feelings of powerlessness and how they related to my past lives.
Powerful messages for the Collective from my Spirit Guides that came through my own regression.
Soul plan vs free will choice as a human.
Visiting trauma and death scenes in past lives
Overcoming fear about experiencing a past life.
You are safe because the soul always leads a spiritual regression.
Healing ancestral lines
Fighting evil vs Staying in Your Light
And more!
🦋 Past Lives, Talking to Spirit Guides, A Time of Awakening and More!
Have you ever imagined a career where you spend your day talking to Spirit Guides, Angels and other loving higher beings? In this video, Scott de Tamble and I discuss why we love our “jobs” guiding people into past lives and the Spirit realm and what benefits you’ll receive from our upcoming Past Life Regression Certification course. The last day for Early Bird Pricing is coming up on April 10th. Get more information or enroll here.
Highlights from our conversation:
We’re living in a powerful time of Spiritual Awakening. Past Life Regression is a tool for Lightworkers who want to step into their mission to help others shift and transform.
How we and our clients are a little high 😄 after these sessions because we receive so much high vibrational energy.
The power of just holding the intention to be a conduit of the highest good for others.
We don’t need to be perfect. Spirit has got our back when we’re guiding past life regression.
There is a greater demand for past life regression as more of humanity is awakening to the reality of Reincarnation.
Past life regression is not for glamour or an ego boost. It always helps someone in some way in their current life.
How empowering it is to guide people to their own inner resources instead of thinking we can “fix them” or that we have the answers.
💫 How the Spiritual Journey Pushes Us to Grow and Fulfill Our Purpose 💫
In this recent interview with Hannah Williams on Mindfully Austin, we discuss:
The challenges and benefits of meditation.
The “why” of what inspired my business
How meditation and Reiki totally transformed my life.
Is there a “wrong path” or can we always learn and grow through whatever choice we make?
How the spiritual journey pushes us to be our authentic self.
The value of time freedom
How accessing your higher self unlocks your gifts and abilities.
A key to overcoming personal limitations is to focus on helping others.
What is a soul plan reading?
What happens in a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session?
💜 Get Certified in Past Life Regression 💜
I can’t tell you how many times a past life regression client has remarked on what a cool job I have and then asked me where they could get trained to do the same. I get it - I remember so many years ago when I first read “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton and thought the exact same thing…..Wow, what would that be like to spend your days guiding people into the Spirit Realm and helping them to experience insights and transformation in their lives?
Of course, here I am years later doing precisely that! I’ve never lost that initial sense of wonder and excitement. It’s just as thrilling now as it was 15 years ago. You never know ahead of time what past life the client’s soul is going to guide them to or how it connects to their current life. Yet it always fits perfectly because Spirit knows what it’s doing. It’s incredibly fulfilling to be a part of that process.
I feel so excited and grateful to now have the opportunity to give you that experience as well!
Read moreJourney of Souls ✨ Answers to Your Top Past Life Questions!
Victoria Belue and I sat down in this episode of “Conversations with Creative Minds” to discuss:
How past lives can inform us on who we are in this life
“Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton
How do you know if you’re an old soul? What does that really mean?
The In Breath and the Out Breath of God - a natural cycle, as you are a piece of the Divine.
Why don’t you remember previous lifetimes?
Even the type of body you’ve chose to incarnate into affects the way you experience the world.
The difference between a masculine or feminine spiritual path.
What is the gift of dual awareness that occurs during a past life regression?
What types of experiences convince people of the validity of their past life regression?
Does everyone go back to a traumatic past life? What’s the value of going back to a difficult life?
Are souls all following the same basic curriculum across incarnations?
Beware: the spiritual trap of Glamour.
What are some indicators that the average person can use to pinpoint to a past life?
Who determines the focus and lessons for each life?
And more!
💙 Being a Lightworker, Spiritual Regression & Answering the Call from Spirit! 💙
Fellow lightworker Amy Sikarskie & I discuss:
Community vs being a lone wolf on the spiritual path
Anyone can be a lightworker - meditating & embodying higher vibrations are a form of service.
Energy detox, clearing lower energies
Past & Parallel Lives
What happens in a Life Between Lives regression?
Transforming with Divine Will
I am being guided by Spirit to form a study group to call in, embody and transmit the 7 qualities of Divine Will. We will be using the “Transforming with Divine Will” meditations and information from a high being named Orin, channeled by Sanaya Roman. One of the key intentions for this group is to anchor in certain high frequencies needed on the planet now.
What is Divine Will? Divine Will is one of the most transformative energies in the universe. Receiving and aligning with the 7 qualities of Divine Will taught in Orin's course can transform your life, unfold your highest potential, expand your consciousness, and assist you in manifesting in alignment with the Divine Plan and the higher purpose of your life.
You will learn how to call upon each of the 7 Great Ones transmitting Divine Will. Linking with Divine Will can deepen your connection to your soul and Divine Self.
Aligning with Divine Will can be one of the most transformative steps you can take on your path of Self realization and enlightenment.
Understanding and working with Divine Will is a part of taking higher initiations, and is a way to open a doorway into higher realizations of Oneness and God-Consciousness.
If you are a lightworker, this is a service opportunity to assist in creating the New Earth. But of course, your participation will be immensely helpful to you personally and spiritually as well.
We’ll be meeting via Zoom on the first and third Thursdays from 7 to 8:30 pm Central time. In each session I will share information about Divine Will, then we meditate to experience it, and finally there’s sharing and discussion. It’s a free offering, but please only sign up if you can attend most of the sessions. It’s ok to miss one or two. I won’t even be able to make every single one. I’ll have a friend leading a couple sessions.
6/16: Preparing for Divine Will –– Receive transmissions from a very high being to prepare you for direct contact with the 7 Great Ones who transmit Divine Will.
7/7: Contacting Divine Will –– Contact each of the Great Ones who transmit Divine Will to harmonize with their patterns of light, color, sound, tones, and subtle energies.
7/21: The Will to Initiate –– Awakening New Consciousness. Blend with this Great One who initiates expansions of consciousness, so you can receive insights and revelations, and initiate activities that are in alignment with the divine plan of your life.
8/4: The Will to Unify –– Developing Vision. Merge with this Great One who brings you the gift of clear vision through knowing what is to be loved. Bring unity to your personality, soul, and spirit. Increase your ability to see your soul, the souls of others, and the beings of light who guide humanity.
8/18: The Will to Evolve –– Becoming Wise. Blend with this Great One and strengthen your ability to evolve both your consciousness and all the forms and circumstances in your life. Increase your ability to express the creative intelligence of your soul to create your highest future.
9/1: The Will to Harmonize –– Deepening Intuition. This Great One transmits the illumined will that releases limitations. Working with this Being can help you bring harmony to areas of conflict and expand your ability to create art, music, and beauty in all forms. It is the basis of intuition.
9/15: The Will to Act –– Achieving Liberation. Join with this Great One and with the Solar Angel of the mind to align your higher mind with your everyday, concrete mind. Your mind can then fulfill its purpose of being a channel for the inflow of higher mind energy and your personality can become a pure channel for Divine Will, leading to liberation.
10/6: The Will to Cause –– Embodying High Ideals. The transmissions from this Great One cause the mind of God to be known, which appear in your mind as ideals that you live by. Live by the ideals of your soul, which bring you love, freedom, and enlightenment.
10/20: The Will to Express –– Creating Divinity in Form. This Being makes the work of the other Great Ones appear on the physical plane in a rhythmic, orderly way. It works with the devas and forces that manifest forms. Draw in its qualities of strength, perseverance, courage, self-reliance, steadfastness, care in details, and precision in creating form.
11/3: Manifesting with Divine Will –– Work with all 7 qualities of Divine Will to manifest something important in your life.
11/17: Creating Ideal Relationships –– Draw in the 7 qualities of Divine Will to transform a special relationship, or all your relationships at once as you align them with Divine Will.
12/1: Transmitting Divine Will –– Absorb and then transmit the qualities of Divine Will to your life, to your loved ones, to the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, and to whatever you choose.
Upcoming Classes & Events
Upcoming Classes & Events 〰️
Transmuting Karma, Connecting with Your Guides, & More!
Have you ever struggled with meditation or connecting to your Spirit Guides? How do we get from the 3D mundane life to a full-blown spiritual awakening? What practices can help heal us and build our trust in the spiritual connection?
Jake Weaver and I discussed those topics and my book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on his Midnight on Earth podcast recently.
Read moreBe Your Authentic Self, Overcome Self Doubt & Shine Your Light!
In this conversation with Tim Howe on Beyond the Illusion podcast, we discuss stuff that’s relevant to everyone’s awakening journey: overcoming fear of putting yourself out there, getting comfortable in your own skin and no longer “playing small”!
We also chat about:
How did Spirit push me to write this book?
How I found my authentic self after early experiences of trying to play the role expected of me.
How did I overcome my own self-doubt when writing and how can others use this same tool?
If you “conveniently forget” messages from Spirit because it’s uncomfortable to face, Spirit keeps bringing it back for you to complete.
Being your authentic self brings you into your highest vibration and naturally attracts the right people to you.
Expanding Reality, Kundalini Activation, Dark Night of the Soul & beyond!
I recently had a fun conversation with Brandon, the host of the Expanding Reality Podcast. In this episode we discuss:
Why are many twin souls meeting now?
What happens when the kundalini activates?
What is a Dark Night of the Soul?
and more!
Tools for Navigating the Spiritual Path
In this video I provide a (hopefully) helpful outline for navigating the often confusing spiritual path. Utilizing my book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” as a guide, I share key tools and practices that form the foundation for a balanced, stable spiritual journey.
These are the tools I return to again and again, after many years on my own spiritual path. If you want to continue growing and living a fulfilled life, the inner work never ends. However, it does get easier and more enjoyable.
Read moreThe Soul's Evolution, Trusting the Void: The Soul Quest Podcast
I had a great conversation last week with Cisco and Sharon on the Soul Quest podcast. We discussed my book, “Awakening Transformation”, as well as many of my favorite topics like:
* The power of experiencing a past life regression
* Focusing on “your highest good” rather than a fixed outcome
* What’s the difference between Life Between Lives regression and QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis technique)?
* Do we all have karma?
* Growth as the goal, rather than perfection
* The soul’s evolution through reincarnation
* The importance of the root chakra in these intense times
Read moreSpirit Guides, Intention vs Expectation, Shadow work & more!
In this podcast episode we discuss:
The path inward to uncovering our wholeness
Learning to value and understand emotions
Is love an emotion?
The transformative dream where I initially realized that my spirit guide, Will, has been with me all my life.
Does everyone have a spirit guide?
The 2020 lessons of Oneness through polarization & healing the Collective Dark Night of the Soul
Shadow work and how we can bring our different parts together in harmony
How can we learn to love the parts of our self that we find unacceptable?
Why working vibrationally allows you to transform with ease and grace.
The power of shifting from expectation to intention
Are You an Awakening Soul?
Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman
Before I awakened to higher consciousness, this world made little sense to me. The endless pursuit of shiny objects that’s supposed to make us happy. The numbing of our dissatisfaction through alcohol, entertainment and busyness. The meaningless small talk and yet lack of deep connection. What was the point? It was disheartening. I felt lost.
Everything shifted once I connected to the Divine within me. I could suddenly sense and feel my interconnectedness with all living things. The pieces all came together into a beautiful bigger picture, of which I fit into inextricably. As an Awakening Soul, I discovered purpose and a passion for being alive. Since then, this spiritual connection has been an essential tool for navigating my life. It’s the foundation that supports me and the compass that guides me during the rough waters and sea of conflicting information we’re currently immersed in.
Are you an Awakening Soul? Do you sense and trust your connection to your Higher Self? Do you easily go within for love, clarity and higher wisdom? I hope you do, for this is how to gain stability in these uncertain times. The only real security comes from this place within. This is the wise part of you that knows you’re always ok and will always be ok.
Maybe you’re new on the spiritual journey. Or maybe you’ve been on it for awhile and just need some extra support. It can be a lonely path. I’ve created a new offering, The Awakening Soul program, to assist you in:
deepening your connection to your Soul
clearing blocks in your spiritual channel
uncovering your Soul’s purpose
doing the mental/emotional healing that’s necessary as building blocks of spiritual awakening
finding meaningful direction moving forward
accelerating your spiritual transformation
Sessions can either be done in person or remotely over Zoom. This program consists of a Soul Plan reading, a chakra balancing session, a past life regression and two spiritual mentoring sessions, which could be a hypnosis or coaching session. We start with the Soul Plan reading, which gives us your blueprint for this life: the challenges, talents and goals you came in to address, as well as your Soul Destiny. Next is a chakra balancing session, to assess your energy in the present moment as well as to clear and balance your energy before further inner work.
From there, the other sessions can be done in any order. The past life regression helps clear karma and provide insight from another life into this one. The spiritual mentoring sessions can help with whatever challenges you’re facing. Possible focuses for the session include Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Sacred Union of the Divine Masculine & Feminine, Connecting to Your Spirit Guide or Prosperity Mindset.
Take as long as you’d like to go through the program. Some sessions require more integration time. I give you follow up suggestions, aka homework, to support your process. If this program resonates with you, or to learn more click here.
If you are looking for a spiritual community of like-minded souls, I host a monthly meetup called Austin Spiritual Awakening, which also has an Austin Spiritual Awakening Facebook community. The people in the groups are very friendly and you’re welcome to join.
The spiritual path doesn’t have to be isolating. There are so many souls awakening now. We can support each other on our journeys. Happy travels!
Latest Youtube on Balancing Yin/Yang, Uncovering the Root Cause, the Power of Emotions & More!
In this Youtube chat with Chris Goddin of Balance ATX, we have a fun discussion on:
Meditation & Out of Body experiences
Balancing Yin/Yang as the root cause of many issues
The Power of Honoring Your Emotions
The value of play!
The way hypnosis can uncover the source of your issue
And more!
What Is a Soul Plan Reading?
Perhaps like me, you’re on a path of self development. You want to deeply understand who you are and why you chose to come here onto this crazy planet in this crazy time. On this journey of self awareness, you’ve discovered there are many systems that give you a piece of that knowledge and help take you to the next step. The Soul Plan Reading is one of those systems.
“Why are you here? What’s your life purpose? How can you overcome your life’s challenges? What gifts do you possess to help you to fulfill your soul destiny?”
I’m not even sure how I first came across the Soul Plan system. Somehow I was led to the book “Soul Plan” by Blue Marsden. It really resonated with me, although I didn’t fully understand how it worked. I went to his website and Bam, next thing I know, I’ve signed up for the training. But that’s how I work, I’ve learned to listen to that still small voice within that guides me. It’s guided me well and I trust it.
Here is the description from the Holistic Healing College, where I was trained:
“The Soul Plan Reading has its roots in the ancient text, the Sefer Yetzirah. In the second half of the last century, the Star of Creation Gematria Method was channeled by the visionary Frank Alper (author of "Discovering Atlantis") and forms the foundation of this work. In this present format, Blue Marsden, founder of the Holistic Healing College, has expanded on the original, adding new interpretations, affirmations, elements of numerology and additional channeled material.
Although up to this point, this work is little known, it's believed that the core information and system has returned to the planet at this time to help in the energetic transmission many are experiencing. It is hoped that many more people will now have their Soul Plan activated, become aligned with their Soul Purpose and gain a greater sense of beingness and life satisfaction.
A Soul Plan Reading can clear many redundant issues, trauma patterning and limiting beliefs. Through the universal law of grace, there are many old patterns we can let go of at this time. “
The Soul Plan Reading is derived from the Sound Vibration of your original name. This produces a set of frequencies, which are placed around the Star of Creation (image above) in various positions. Each point has a special significance, representing challenges, talents and goals in two areas, Worldly and Spiritual.
The downward triangle relates to the physical/worldly existence, usually predominant in approximately the first 35 years of life. The upward triangle relates to the spiritual aspect of life, which we tend to access around or after 35 years old.
The solution to facing your challenges and obtaining your goals is inherent in your plan: Apply your talents to overcome your challenges and reach your goals.
The Soul Plan Reading is a 75 minute session together, (done via Zoom) but I also spend 60 minutes on my own beforehand preparing your chart.
You’ll receive a copy of your Soul Plan Chart. We’ll go over each section together, beginning with the Worldly sections of challenges, talents and goals and then the Spiritual sections. You’ll learn how to utilize these pieces together to overcome blocks and attain fulfillment.
Finally, you will learn your Soul Destiny. All of this information will fit together to help you understand what you’ve been struggling with, recognize your natural talents and provide a map for achieving your life purpose. You’ll have the clarity to move forward to fulfill your highest potential in this life. Afterward, you’ll receive a video recording of our session so that you can watch it whenever you’d like.
Go here to learn more about a Soul Plan Reading or to schedule a session:
Map out your Soul Purpose so you can Shine Your Light 💖 with your Soul Purpose Blueprint. Want your free plan? Book a clarity call HERE.
“My soul plan reading was truly one of the most therapeutic and eye-opening experiences of my life. Everything was so accurate, it was almost comical, in a good way. It opened so many learning doors and it expanded my growth tenfold.”
“If you feel like you need a little nudge to put you on the path to expand your personal growth, this is the book for you!! The author shares her own path of spiritual awakening with a lot of basic steps anyone can take in order to work on their own spiritual journey. You will read it and feel inspired to make little changes that could lead to big changes within.” - K. Thompson
“Tianna is a phenomenal soul sister to guide you on your soul-awakening path. In this book, she highlights tools that are key in supporting your spiritual development. I recommend this book to anyone starting their journey but also to those of us who have been walking for a long time; it is a lovely reminder that we are all connected on this path.” - Nikki